

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I am a Jackson after all!

Well I had a fun trip to the ER last night. Apparently when you cut a bagel you should use a cutting board instead of your hand. I'm blaming Ali because she bought such expensive knives=). Anyways about 10:00 last night I decided to have a bagel, and I accidentaly cut my pinkie, ring, and middle fingers, but my ring finger got the brunt of it. So we went to the new hospital and I got to check out their new ER =) So the good news was that I just barely missed my tendons, but the bad news was that the Dr. said I had to take my ring off or my finger might swell so bad I would lose it. Unfortunately I have a titanium ring (which are very hard to cut off). The Dr. told us that he couldn't numb my finger yet because it would swell and be harder to get the ring off, so an EMT came in and helped pull the ring off, which was no easy task because he had to get past a big flap of skin and flesh (it was the most painful part.)Then the resident Dr. was trying to give me a numbing shot but instead of poking the skin, the needle just kind of pushed my skin (since it was cut up) so she had to hold my skin in place to poke it =) But anyways all is ok now and I will just have a cool scar. Too bad I don't have a better story to go with it, anyone have any ideas for a good story? Now we just have to worry about that dang ER bill... and as Jim so wisely pointed out, I guess I am a Jackson after all =)


jim said...

German Shepherds - that is what you should say happened. I have neigbhors with two big mean German Shepherds and I ALWAYS think they are going to bite me or eat my kids - I'm not kidding.

So you were just coming home from work and it is dark now you know so you didn't see the docs under the stairway that had gotten out of someones house...and you were walking up and heard one start to growl - your ran for the stairs but the dog must have thought that you were after it because it felt threatened and it jumped on you and you put your hand up to protect your face and BAM--- you almost lost a finger. Just in case they still believe you you could add that it ate your ring and you had to wait for the dog to pass the ring to get it back....

or it could be that the dogs were after ali so you heard it and ran outside and jumped over the railing just in time to save her but you almost lost your hand in the battle.

jim said...
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JonAli said...

Kim Hansen (Ali's stepmom) said
"I guess you could make up a story about putting your finger somewhere it
didn't belong...."

JonAli said...

Inside everybody's nose there lives a sharp-toothed snail. So if you stick your finger in, he may bite off your nail. Stick it farther up inside, and he may bite your ring off. Stick it all the way, and he may bite the whole darn thing off.
-Shel Silverstein

Unknown said...


Lainey started to cry just hearing the most vague description of this incident. I had to go to great lengths to reassure her that jon still had all of his fingers and that he was really okay. very traumatic.

Unknown said...

(this is Jim - not Marie)

I just noticed that you can sing "I am a Jackson after all" to the same tune as "its a small world after all." You should maybe rewrite the words to the song in a future blog.