

Monday, September 8, 2008

The Fair!

Well, we got an invitation from mom and dad to go to the fair, and who could pass that up?
Here are some pictures (and video) of the highlights:


Unknown said...

that looks like fun! I'm sad we had to miss out on that. luckily for us, we did happen to hit the teton county fair when we were up in jackson so we did get to ride a couple of totally ghetto carnival rides this summer. once may have been enough.

Cyndi Barker said...

Even just looking at your ferris wheel pictures scares me- I am sooo afraid of heights! You are a buch of dare devils to ride it, especially one the gets dismantled and reassembled by truckers! Yikes!
I must not have gotten the Jackson nerves of steel.

JonAli said...

I believe I was the most scared person on it.
The least scared: Lizzy

Anonymous said...

I am swaying between complete envy at what looks like a a really fun time at the fair and total horror at the thought of Izzy on a ferris wheel. That girl has no fear...must be a jackson!