

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Puppy or 6 Years Old?

I have a lot of growing up to do. I realized this the other day when I was sitting in my fort.

I haven't decided what I act like more, a puppy or a 6 year old. I decided to list out ways in which I act like both to decide which I am more like.

Ways I act like a 6 year old:
* My daily lunch consists of Easy Mac and a Snack Pack
* I still sit cross legged, even on my work chair. I then stand up to find that my legs are asleep so I look like Frankenstein when I walk
* I think looking like Frankenstein when I walk is cool
* My favorite food is cereal

Ways I act like a puppy:
* Someone at work was bouncing a ball and I immediately got very excited
* I saw a huge flock (like 113) geese outside and I really wanted to run and chase them
* I once ate dog food
* I forget things that you just barely told me
* Ali says that she is still training me

Well I can't decide which one I act more like, but I do have 2 epic Puppy videos for your enjoyment. 1st one is my new Prozac, I decided if I am ever sad that I will just watch it and I know it will cheer me up. The second is the puppy vs a hair brush, in which the hair brush delivers a knock out blow at the end...

1 comment:

Jer said...

I sit cross-legged, too. That's how I got my sign name. I vote 6-year-old.

Also, shouldn't video 2 be puppy vs blankets? it seemed that was the real enemy.